Tag Archives: Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Zestiria – Prologue

Finally getting round to translating the Zestiria website. This is the Prologue (original page here). If you have any comments or questions about my translation, please feel free to ask!


A long time had passed. Deep in a forest that no one entered there was a village, the “Heavenly Host Village”, reminiscent of the utopia spoken of in legend where people and angels lived together On the continent of Greenwood, in this age when the corruption had been spreading for a long time, Heavenly Host Forest still remained untouched by this pollution.

Slay, a child taken in by this place, was fortunate and blessed to be with surrounded with love and, being brought up cut off from the outside world, grew up to be a young boy of pure heart. Slay was forbidden from leaving the village to prevent him from falling prey to the Hyouma – monsters born from the corruption present in the outside world. Slay possessed high levels of spiritual power and never sought go against this rule, having been told many times of the dangers of the Hyouma.

The Heavenly Host Forest was isolated from the rest of the world, a sacred land. The only entertainment Slay could find in such a cut off place was reading the “Heavenly History Record” which he happened upon, and exploring the ancient ruins near the forest. Slay visited these ruins frequently and before long he developed an interest in ancient history. He began to think that the legend spoken of in the Heavenly History Record, “In ancient times, people could perceive the Heavenly Host and they lived together.”, was not a fantasy but might actually be true, and finding new things at the ruins that made him think of the world of those ancient times became Slay’s daily life.

Slay never tired of the exploring the ruins, and on that day he was caught up in a cave in and fell underground. As he walked around trying to find his way out of the underground ruins he came across a girl lying unconscious on the ground. It seemed she too had been caught up in the cave in and Slay immediately went to help her. Although she was uninjured and returned to consciousness, she had lost all her belongings and did not know how to get out. After inviting her back to his village Slay led the girl out of the ruins.

Somehow or other Slay managed to get back to the Heavenly Host Village.  The girl had at first been on her guard, but Slay’s kind and thoughtful manner gradually put her at ease. She told him her reason for visiting the ruins; for the last ten years a catastrophe beyond human understanding had been occuring  all over the world. She gave him her name as well, Aleesha.

Tales of Zestiria – Main Characters Info

Pictures are from this blog. The scans here are from V Jump, but there are also scans from Jump which have slightly different information so I’ve put that here too.

Because I believe ancient history holds the knowledge of people and the Heavenly Host living happily together.


Voice actor: Ryouhei Kimura

Height: 175cm

Weapon: One-handed ceremonial sword

V Jump: 古代遺跡に興味を持少年。甘すぎる一面もあるが純粋で前向き。
A boy with an interest in ancient ruins. Can be a bit naive but is straight-forward with a positive outlook.

Jump: 甘すぎるところもある心優しい少年で、いつも前向き。世界中の古代遺跡に興味を持つ。
A slightly naive, kind-hearted boy with an always positive outlook. Interested in ancient ruins throughout the world.

I want to see my home uncorrupted!


Voice Actor: Ai Kayano

Height: 161cm

Weapon: Pike

V Jump: 自らを姫ではなく、国に尽くす一介の騎士と考えている勇敢な王女。
A gallant princess, who thinks of herself as a mere knight devoted to her country and not as a lady of noble birth.

Jump: 一介の騎士として堅苦しい男性言葉を話す王女。災厄や戦乱を放っておけず旅に出る。
A princess who behaves as a knight and speaks with formal male language*. Unable to ignore the disasters and war around her, she sets out on a journey,
*The translation sounds terrible I know! Maybe I’ll come back to it later.

Tales of Zestiria – World Information

I’m sure this information is elsewhere online but here is my translation of it. Image source: operationrainfall

World Information
World Information

Two powerful countries, Highland Kingdom and Lowlance Empire, fight for dominance of the continent Greenwood

Different religions gave rise to a variety of cultures, and civilisations have developed and spread.

However, they all have one mysterious point in common.

Every religion in Greenwood speaks of a mysterious existence known as the Heavenly Host.
*天族 is a made up word, literally ‘Heaven tribe’, so I’ve translated it as ‘Heavenly Host’ mainly because I like the alliteration and I can’t think of anything else.

The Heavenly Host cannot be seen or touched, but it is said they can exert their influence over objects in the world through their supernatural abilities.

People have revered, feared, hidden from and worshipped the Heavenly Host.

Tales of Zestiria – First video!

First video is up on the Tales of Zestiria site! The script of the video is pretty much the same as what was on the countdown website – just a couple of lines of speech added in the middle.

Legend of the Monks

In the distant age of myth and legend, whenever the world was overtaken by darkness, they would appear and take back the light

Even as the ages passed, whenever the world fell in chaos, people would speak of the legend and pray for salvation

Each time, the monks would appear and cast the darkness out

However, when peace came the monks would disappear…

As I thought! It’s the hero who holds the holy sword… the “Monk” wall-carving!

You… Aren’t you going to ask my name?

However, when peace came the monks would disappear… Where they went…not a soul knew

Before anyone realised, they had faded from memory into legend

Darkness…was trying once more to consume the world

Next “Tales of” Game!

The “Tales of” 20th Anniversary game will be revealed on the 12th December at 7pm (JST)!

There’s a countdown page here which updates each day with a new sentence on the game’s backstory. It doesn’t reveal much though, pretty standard “the world is in danger” stuff. Here’s what is on it so far:

Legend of the Monks

In the distant age of myth and legend, whenever the world was overtaken by darkness, they would appear and take back the light

Even as the ages passed, whenever the world fell in chaos, people would speak of the legend and pray for salvation

Each time, the monks would appear and cast the darkness out

However, when peace came the monks would disappear… Where they went…not a soul knew

Before anyone realised, they had faded from memory into legend

Darkness…was trying once more to consume the world

People began to speak of the monks’ names once more
But the monks have yet to show themselves…