探偵ガリレオ Chapter 1 – Part 2

1) このエピソードを山下良介は手柄話のつもりでしゃべっているようだった。
手柄話 – てがらばなし – boastful story
It seemed like Ryousuke was relating this episode as a boastful story. (Awkward translation…)

2) 話しながら両手で髪を後ろにかきあげるのが癖だった。
かきあげる – to comb upwards
He had a habit of combing his hair back with both hands as he talked.

3) 他の三人のうち、二人はベンチに腰を下ろし、残る一人はバイクに跨っていた。
跨る – またがる – to straddle
Of the remaining three people, two were sat on a bench and the other was straddling his bike.

4) さらに何かふてぶてしい台詞の一つでも付け加えようと思ったのか、例によって前髪を両手でかきあげ、山下が口を動かしかけた時だった。
ふてぶてしい – brazen, impudent, audacious
It was when it seemed like Yamashita was thinking of some further boastful thing to say, he combed back his fringe as was his way, and his mouth started to move. (awkward translation but nevermind, maybe it would be better as two sentences?)

5) ただ呆然と、そのスローモーションのような映像を眺めていたのだ。
呆然 – ぼうぜん – be dumbstruck, taken aback
In a daze, they watched the scene as though it were in slow motion.

6) 同時に直感的に身の危険を感じた。
直感的 – ちょっかんてき – intuitively, instinctively
At the same time, he instinctively felt he was in danger.

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